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Projects in the Post Graduate School of Ulm University and Ulm University of Applied Sciences

P7: Knowledge-Based Control of Flexible Processes in Logistics

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project P7 develops knowledge-based methods that shall enable flexible support of intralogistics processes (e.g. order picking of goods) as well as optimised subordinate production and distribution processes. Based on a knowledge model, which provides different options to distribute goods, these methods enable proper decision support in case of unforeseen events (e.g., breakdown of one source of supply). Thereby, potential alternatives are evaluated in collaboration with users.

​Supervisor and assignment

Direct supervisor

Prof. Dr. Susanne Biundo-StephanInstitute of Artificial Intelligence, Ulm University

Tandem partner

Prof. Dr. Sven VölkerProduction Engineering and Production Economics Department, Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Expert advisors

Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann, ​​Institute of Psychology and Education (Human Factors), Ulm University

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartwig BaumgärtelProduction Engineering and Production Economics Department, Ulm University of Applied Sciences


​Assigned to:

Ulm University


​planning & reasoning, interaction


​industry 4.0, decentralised logistics


For questions regarding the Post Graduate School of Ulm University and Ulm University of Applied Sciences, "Cognitive Computing in Socio-Technical Systems", please contact the project leaders Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert and Prof. Dr. Christian Schlegel.

Project leaders

Prof. Dr. Christian Schlegel
Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert
Ulm University
Institute of Databases and Information Systems

Information from Ulm University about the Post Graduate School of Ulm University and Ulm University of Applied Sciences


Application guidelines

Invitation for applications

Application form


Alle Projekte im Kooperativen Promotionskolleg „Cognitive Computing in Socio-Technical Systems“mehr
